Descriptions Chamonix-Mont-Blanc : The must-hikes Mountain Range & Valley livre

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Vous cherchez un endroit pour lire des livres électroniques complets sans téléchargement ? Vous pouvez lire ici Chamonix-Mont-Blanc : The must-hikes Mountain Range & Valley. Vous pouvez aussi lire et télécharger les nouveaux et les anciens complets E-Books. Profitez et relax complet Chamonix-Mont-Blanc : The must-hikes Mountain Range & Valley documentation en ligne de lecture. . CLIQUEZ ICI POUR TÉLÉCHARGER CE LIVRE GRATUITEMENT

A mountain guide to discover or increase one's knowledge of the numerous hiking trails around Chamonix, in a prestigious environment with the Mont-Blanc in the background. € A selection of « day » hikes carried out by the author. € A classification based on four criteria : Sector, Difficulty Time, Elevation. € For each hike, clear and illustrated information : French IGN map with routes, access, elevation, description with points of interest and contemplation, photos taken by the author. Wishing good hiking to all mountain lovers in this vast « playground » !


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