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Richly exploited comic situations, effervescent wit, and intricate plots combine to make Sheridan's work among the best of of all English comedy. The School for Scandal (1777) is his masterpiece, a brilliantly crafted comedy of contrasts in which brothers Joseph and Charles Surface contend for Maria, with hilariously differing intentions and results. Also a work of acute comic irony, The Rivals satirizes the romantic posturing of Lydia Languish
while her disguised suitor Captain Absolute's resourceful contrivances advance an ever inventive and skilfully wrought plot. Included in this edition are the opera play The Duenna and the rarely printed musical play A Trip to Scarborough, adapted from Vanbrugh's The Relapse. Sheridan's last play, The Critic, is an
exuberant parody of the modish tragic drama of the day. Lampooning Sir Fretful Plagiary's absurdly bombastic historical drama during its confused stages of production, its satire never fails to delight.

The texts


Livre À Lire Absolument,Livre A Lire,Livres À Lire,Livre À Lire,Livres À Lire Absolument,1001 Livres À Lire Avant De Mourir,Livres À Lire Dans Sa Vie,Lire Un Livre,Livres À Lire Avant De Mourir,Livre À Lire En Anglais,Livre A Lire En Ligne

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